Introduction to Eland Webinar

This Jupyter Notebook goes along with the webinar ‘Introduction to Eland’ which is available on Youtube. To follow along either create an Elasticsearch deployment on Elastic Cloud (free trial available) or start your own Elasticsearch cluster locally.

You’ll need to install the following libraries:

$ python -m pip install eland numpy pandas

DataFrame Demo

# Standard imports
import eland as ed
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# Function for pretty-printing JSON
def json(x):
    import json
    print(json.dumps(x, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
# Connect to an Elastic Cloud instance
# or another Elasticsearch index below

ELASTIC_CLOUD_ID = "<cloud-id>"

es = Elasticsearch(
  basic_auth=("elastic", ELASTIC_CLOUD_PASSWORD)
  "cluster_name": "167e473c7bba4bae85004385d4e0ce46",
  "cluster_uuid": "4Y2FwBhRSsWq9uGedb1DmQ",
  "name": "instance-0000000000",
  "tagline": "You Know, for Search",
  "version": {
    "build_date": "2020-06-14T19:35:50.234439Z",
    "build_flavor": "default",
    "build_hash": "757314695644ea9a1dc2fecd26d1a43856725e65",
    "build_snapshot": false,
    "build_type": "docker",
    "lucene_version": "8.5.1",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version": "6.0.0-beta1",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version": "6.8.0",
    "number": "7.8.0"
# Load the dataset from NYC Open Data and take a look
pd_df = pd.read_csv("nyc-restaurants.csv").dropna()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 193197 entries, 0 to 400255
Data columns (total 26 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count   Dtype
---  ------                 --------------   -----
 0   CAMIS                  193197 non-null  int64
 1   DBA                    193197 non-null  object
 2   BORO                   193197 non-null  object
 3   BUILDING               193197 non-null  object
 4   STREET                 193197 non-null  object
 5   ZIPCODE                193197 non-null  float64
 6   PHONE                  193197 non-null  object
 7   CUISINE DESCRIPTION    193197 non-null  object
 8   INSPECTION DATE        193197 non-null  object
 9   ACTION                 193197 non-null  object
 10  VIOLATION CODE         193197 non-null  object
 11  VIOLATION DESCRIPTION  193197 non-null  object
 12  CRITICAL FLAG          193197 non-null  object
 13  SCORE                  193197 non-null  float64
 14  GRADE                  193197 non-null  object
 15  GRADE DATE             193197 non-null  object
 16  RECORD DATE            193197 non-null  object
 17  INSPECTION TYPE        193197 non-null  object
 18  Latitude               193197 non-null  float64
 19  Longitude              193197 non-null  float64
 20  Community Board        193197 non-null  float64
 21  Council District       193197 non-null  float64
 22  Census Tract           193197 non-null  float64
 23  BIN                    193197 non-null  float64
 24  BBL                    193197 non-null  float64
 25  NTA                    193197 non-null  object
dtypes: float64(9), int64(1), object(16)
memory usage: 39.8+ MB
# Rename the columns to be snake_case
pd_df.columns = [x.lower().replace(" ", "_") for x in pd_df.columns]

# Combine the 'latitude' and 'longitude' columns into one column 'location' for 'geo_point'
pd_df["location"] = pd_df[["latitude", "longitude"]].apply(lambda x: ",".join(str(item) for item in x), axis=1)

# Drop the old columns in favor of 'location'
pd_df.drop(["latitude", "longitude"], axis=1, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 193197 entries, 0 to 400255
Data columns (total 25 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count   Dtype
---  ------                 --------------   -----
 0   camis                  193197 non-null  int64
 1   dba                    193197 non-null  object
 2   boro                   193197 non-null  object
 3   building               193197 non-null  object
 4   street                 193197 non-null  object
 5   zipcode                193197 non-null  float64
 6   phone                  193197 non-null  object
 7   cuisine_description    193197 non-null  object
 8   inspection_date        193197 non-null  object
 9   action                 193197 non-null  object
 10  violation_code         193197 non-null  object
 11  violation_description  193197 non-null  object
 12  critical_flag          193197 non-null  object
 13  score                  193197 non-null  float64
 14  grade                  193197 non-null  object
 15  grade_date             193197 non-null  object
 16  record_date            193197 non-null  object
 17  inspection_type        193197 non-null  object
 18  community_board        193197 non-null  float64
 19  council_district       193197 non-null  float64
 20  census_tract           193197 non-null  float64
 21  bin                    193197 non-null  float64
 22  bbl                    193197 non-null  float64
 23  nta                    193197 non-null  object
 24  location               193197 non-null  object
dtypes: float64(7), int64(1), object(17)
memory usage: 38.3+ MB
df = ed.pandas_to_eland(

    # Where the data will live in Elasticsearch

    # Type overrides for certain columns, 'location' detected
    # automatically as 'keyword' but we want these interpreted as 'geo_point'.
        "location": "geo_point",
        "dba": "text",
        "zipcode": "short"

    # If the index already exists what should we do?

    # Wait for data to be indexed before returning
<class 'eland.dataframe.DataFrame'>
Index: 193197 entries, 10388 to 398749
Data columns (total 25 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count   Dtype
---  ------                 --------------   -----
 0   camis                  193197 non-null  int64
 1   dba                    193197 non-null  object
 2   boro                   193197 non-null  object
 3   building               193197 non-null  object
 4   street                 193197 non-null  object
 5   zipcode                193197 non-null  int64
 6   phone                  193197 non-null  object
 7   cuisine_description    193197 non-null  object
 8   inspection_date        193197 non-null  object
 9   action                 193197 non-null  object
 10  violation_code         193197 non-null  object
 11  violation_description  193197 non-null  object
 12  critical_flag          193197 non-null  object
 13  score                  193197 non-null  float64
 14  grade                  193197 non-null  object
 15  grade_date             193197 non-null  object
 16  record_date            193197 non-null  object
 17  inspection_type        193197 non-null  object
 18  community_board        193197 non-null  float64
 19  council_district       193197 non-null  float64
 20  census_tract           193197 non-null  float64
 21  bin                    193197 non-null  float64
 22  bbl                    193197 non-null  float64
 23  nta                    193197 non-null  object
 24  location               193197 non-null  object
dtypes: float64(6), int64(2), object(17)
memory usage: 80.0 bytes
  "nyc-restaurants": {
    "mappings": {
      "properties": {
        "action": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "bbl": {
          "type": "double"
        "bin": {
          "type": "double"
        "boro": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "building": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "camis": {
          "type": "long"
        "census_tract": {
          "type": "double"
        "community_board": {
          "type": "double"
        "council_district": {
          "type": "double"
        "critical_flag": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "cuisine_description": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "dba": {
          "type": "text"
        "grade": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "grade_date": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "inspection_date": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "inspection_type": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "location": {
          "type": "geo_point"
        "nta": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "phone": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "record_date": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "score": {
          "type": "double"
        "street": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "violation_code": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "violation_description": {
          "type": "keyword"
        "zipcode": {
          "type": "short"
# Shape is determined by using count API
(193197, 25)
# DataFrame has many APIs compatible with Pandas

#df[df.grade.isin(["A", "B"])]
#print(df[df.grade.isin(["A", "B"])].es_info())
es_index_pattern: nyc-restaurants
 es_index_field: _id
 is_source_field: False
                               es_field_name  is_source   es_dtype es_date_format pd_dtype  is_searchable  is_aggregatable  is_scripted aggregatable_es_field_name
camis                                  camis       True       long           None    int64           True             True        False                      camis
dba                                      dba       True       text           None   object           True            False        False                       None
boro                                    boro       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                       boro
building                            building       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                   building
street                                street       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                     street
zipcode                              zipcode       True      short           None    int64           True             True        False                    zipcode
phone                                  phone       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                      phone
cuisine_description      cuisine_description       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False        cuisine_description
inspection_date              inspection_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False            inspection_date
action                                action       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                     action
violation_code                violation_code       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False             violation_code
violation_description  violation_description       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False      violation_description
critical_flag                  critical_flag       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False              critical_flag
score                                  score       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                      score
grade                                  grade       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                      grade
grade_date                        grade_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                 grade_date
record_date                      record_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                record_date
inspection_type              inspection_type       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False            inspection_type
community_board              community_board       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False            community_board
council_district            council_district       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False           council_district
census_tract                    census_tract       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False               census_tract
bin                                      bin       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                        bin
bbl                                      bbl       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                        bbl
nta                                      nta       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                        nta
location                            location       True  geo_point           None   object           True             True        False                   location
 tasks: [('tail': ('sort_field': '_doc', 'count': 10))]
 size: 10
 sort_params: _doc:desc
 _source: ['camis', 'dba', 'boro', 'building', 'street', 'zipcode', 'phone', 'cuisine_description', 'inspection_date', 'action', 'violation_code', 'violation_description', 'critical_flag', 'score', 'grade', 'grade_date', 'record_date', 'inspection_type', 'community_board', 'council_district', 'census_tract', 'bin', 'bbl', 'nta', 'location']
 body: {}
 post_processing: [('sort_index')]

# Aggregating values
camis zipcode score community_board council_district census_tract bin bbl
count 1.931970e+05 193197.000000 193197.000000 193197.000000 193197.000000 193197.000000 1.931970e+05 1.931970e+05
mean 4.605010e+07 10677.212540 12.947680 248.602603 20.020715 28796.048298 2.513373e+06 2.450622e+09
std 4.415232e+06 595.142246 8.180244 130.697014 15.809664 30672.683469 1.351134e+06 1.313578e+09
min 3.011234e+07 10000.000000 -1.000000 101.000000 1.000000 100.000000 1.000000e+06 1.000000e+09
25% 4.138051e+07 10022.000000 9.000000 105.000000 4.000000 7895.605691 1.042708e+06 1.011024e+09
50% 5.000527e+07 10468.006114 12.000000 301.000000 19.747529 16022.917106 3.007191e+06 3.002924e+09
75% 5.005661e+07 11228.624535 13.000000 401.000000 34.000000 40246.000337 4.002294e+06 4.003343e+09
max 5.010416e+07 12345.000000 99.000000 503.000000 51.000000 162100.000000 5.799501e+06 5.270001e+09
# Plotting with matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# es_query() allows for the full Elasticsearch querying capabilities
  "geo_distance": {
    "distance": "50m",
    "location": {
      "lat": 40.643852716573,
      "lon": -74.011628212186
camis dba boro building street zipcode phone cuisine_description inspection_date action ... grade_date record_date inspection_type community_board council_district census_tract bin bbl nta location
53127 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 12/26/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/26/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
61268 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 07/20/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 07/20/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
20717 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 03/04/2020 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 03/04/2020 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
4648 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 05/25/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/25/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
224 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 05/25/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/25/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
9465 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 03/04/2020 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 03/04/2020 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
104512 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/19/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/19/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
106728 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 01/25/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/25/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
62748 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 05/28/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/28/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
79211 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 11/05/2016 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/05/2016 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
218545 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 01/10/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/10/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
238663 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 11/05/2016 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/05/2016 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
245205 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/19/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/19/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
245233 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 01/25/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/25/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
247417 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 05/05/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/05/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
186874 50099704 MASTER'S PIZZERIA Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 11/18/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/18/2019 07/07/2020 Pre-permit (Operational) / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
198104 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/28/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/28/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
213425 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/19/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/19/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
202363 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 05/28/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/28/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
158059 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/19/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/19/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
163672 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 08/13/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 08/13/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
138508 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 01/29/2020 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/29/2020 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
140940 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 07/20/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 07/20/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
143157 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 01/10/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/10/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
149548 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 07/20/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 07/20/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
149742 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 05/31/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/31/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
249994 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 01/25/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/25/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
257603 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 08/13/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 08/13/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
268823 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 01/10/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/10/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
269521 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 12/17/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/17/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
277500 50099704 MASTER'S PIZZERIA Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 11/18/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/18/2019 07/07/2020 Pre-permit (Operational) / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
279503 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 01/29/2020 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/29/2020 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
299863 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 12/26/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/26/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
319787 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 05/25/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/25/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969
336570 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 01/10/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/10/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
340551 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 04/10/2017 Establishment re-opened by DOHMH ... 04/10/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Reopening Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
395508 41144258 BURGER KING Brooklyn 5212 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7187650844 Hamburgers 12/17/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/17/2019 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 7600.0 3329902.0 3.008070e+09 BK32 40.643852716573,-74.011628212186
309366 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 12/28/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/28/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
340857 40396492 ROYAL KING'S PIZZA Brooklyn 5211 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184923846 Pizza 01/29/2020 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 01/29/2020 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013939.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643849974348996,-74.01160298782
358660 50004330 KFC Brooklyn 5223 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184922813 Chicken 05/31/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/31/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013937.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643800563168,-74.01165342693001
393451 41271801 PINO'S Brooklyn 5201 5 AVENUE 11220.0 7184396012 Pizza 06/05/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 06/05/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 307.0 38.0 10000.0 3013942.0 3.008080e+09 BK34 40.643888405293005,-74.011563356969

41 rows × 25 columns

# Full-text search example
df.es_query({"match": {"dba": "red"}})
camis dba boro building street zipcode phone cuisine_description inspection_date action ... grade_date record_date inspection_type community_board council_district census_tract bin bbl nta location
5765 50033781 RED HOOK LOBSTER POUND Brooklyn 284 VAN BRUNT STREET 11231.0 7188587650 Seafood 04/19/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 04/19/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 306.0 38.0 5900.0 3008365.0 3.005290e+09 BK33 40.67974632809,-74.010098611838
12379 50058053 RED HOT II Brooklyn 349 7 AVENUE 11215.0 7183692577 Chinese 05/17/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/17/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 306.0 39.0 15100.0 3026127.0 3.010940e+09 BK37 40.666194419994,-73.98214269199799
12978 50059700 RED POKE Manhattan 600 9 AVENUE 10036.0 2129748100 Hawaiian 03/21/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 03/21/2017 07/07/2020 Pre-permit (Operational) / Re-inspection 104.0 3.0 12100.0 1088997.0 1.010330e+09 MN15 40.758993434643,-73.992203122611
16759 40365239 DORRIAN'S RED HAND RESTAURANT Manhattan 1616 2 AVENUE 10028.0 2127726660 Irish 11/08/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/08/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 108.0 5.0 13800.0 1049947.0 1.015460e+09 MN32 40.776404966262,-73.952802065662
18624 50095340 RED PEONY CHINESE CUISINE Manhattan 24 WEST 56 STREET 10019.0 2123808883 Chinese 11/21/2019 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/21/2019 07/07/2020 Pre-permit (Operational) / Re-inspection 105.0 4.0 10400.0 1034840.0 1.012710e+09 MN17 40.762699245064,-73.975463733228
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
391229 50061162 CODE RED Bronx 1320 EAST GUN HILL ROAD 10469.0 7188811808 Caribbean 05/14/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 05/14/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 211.0 12.0 35000.0 2056100.0 2.045890e+09 BX31 40.871378316318996,-73.848028279305
393531 50014078 RED LOBSTER Manhattan 5 TIMES SQ 10036.0 2127306706 Seafood 11/08/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 11/08/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 105.0 3.0 11300.0 1024656.0 1.010130e+09 MN17 40.755702020307005,-73.987207980138
396171 40368313 RED FLAME DINER Manhattan 67 WEST 44 STREET 10036.0 2128693965 American 02/16/2018 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 02/16/2018 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection 105.0 4.0 9600.0 1034217.0 1.012600e+09 MN17 40.755627203336,-73.981938150269
396501 50068499 RED GINGER Staten Island 1650 RICHMOND AVENUE 10314.0 7189828808 Other 09/19/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 09/19/2017 07/07/2020 Pre-permit (Operational) / Initial Inspection 502.0 50.0 29103.0 5037014.0 5.022360e+09 SI05 40.608078102502,-74.162260908042
398950 50059700 RED POKE Manhattan 600 9 AVENUE 10036.0 2129748100 Hawaiian 12/08/2017 Violations were cited in the following area(s). ... 12/08/2017 07/07/2020 Cycle Inspection / Re-inspection 104.0 3.0 12100.0 1088997.0 1.010330e+09 MN15 40.758993434643,-73.992203122611

573 rows × 25 columns

# Pull a subset of your data for building graphs / operations locally.
sample_df = df[df.grade == "B"].sample(100).to_pandas()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 100 entries, 107677 to 96813
Data columns (total 25 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                 --------------  -----
 0   camis                  100 non-null    int64
 1   dba                    100 non-null    object
 2   boro                   100 non-null    object
 3   building               100 non-null    object
 4   street                 100 non-null    object
 5   zipcode                100 non-null    float64
 6   phone                  100 non-null    object
 7   cuisine_description    100 non-null    object
 8   inspection_date        100 non-null    object
 9   action                 100 non-null    object
 10  violation_code         100 non-null    object
 11  violation_description  100 non-null    object
 12  critical_flag          100 non-null    object
 13  score                  100 non-null    float64
 14  grade                  100 non-null    object
 15  grade_date             100 non-null    object
 16  record_date            100 non-null    object
 17  inspection_type        100 non-null    object
 18  community_board        100 non-null    float64
 19  council_district       100 non-null    float64
 20  census_tract           100 non-null    float64
 21  bin                    100 non-null    float64
 22  bbl                    100 non-null    float64
 23  nta                    100 non-null    object
 24  location               100 non-null    object
dtypes: float64(7), int64(1), object(17)
memory usage: 20.3+ KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

Machine Learning Demo

# Import scikit-learn and train a dataset locally
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Train the data locally
digits = datasets.load_wine()
print("Feature Names:", digits.feature_names)
print("Data example:",[0])

# Save 10, 80, and 140 for testing our model
data = [x for i, x in enumerate( if i not in (10, 80, 140)]
target = [x for i, x in enumerate( if i not in (10, 80, 140)]

sk_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(), target)

# Test out our model against the three targets
print(sk_classifier.predict([[10, 80, 140]]))
print([[10, 80, 140]])
Feature Names: ['alcohol', 'malic_acid', 'ash', 'alcalinity_of_ash', 'magnesium', 'total_phenols', 'flavanoids', 'nonflavanoid_phenols', 'proanthocyanins', 'color_intensity', 'hue', 'od280/od315_of_diluted_wines', 'proline']
Data example: [1.423e+01 1.710e+00 2.430e+00 1.560e+01 1.270e+02 2.800e+00 3.060e+00
 2.800e-01 2.290e+00 5.640e+00 1.040e+00 3.920e+00 1.065e+03]
[0 1 2]
[0 1 2]
from import MLModel

# Serialize the scikit-learn model into Elasticsearch
ed_classifier = MLModel.import_model(

# Capture the Elasticsearch API call w/ logging
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("elasticsearch")

# Use the same data as before, but now with the model in Elasticsearch
print(ed_classifier.predict([[10, 80, 140]].tolist()))
print([[10, 80, 140]])

logger.handlers = []
POST [status:200 request:0.053s]
> {"pipeline":{"processors":[{"inference":{"model_id":"wine-classifier","inference_config":{"classification":{}},"field_map":{}}}]},"docs":[{"_source":{"alcohol":14.1,"malic_acid":2.16,"ash":2.3,"alcalinity_of_ash":18.0,"magnesium":105.0,"total_phenols":2.95,"flavanoids":3.32,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.22,"proanthocyanins":2.38,"color_intensity":5.75,"hue":1.25,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":3.17,"proline":1510.0}},{"_source":{"alcohol":12.0,"malic_acid":0.92,"ash":2.0,"alcalinity_of_ash":19.0,"magnesium":86.0,"total_phenols":2.42,"flavanoids":2.26,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.3,"proanthocyanins":1.43,"color_intensity":2.5,"hue":1.38,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":3.12,"proline":278.0}},{"_source":{"alcohol":12.93,"malic_acid":2.81,"ash":2.7,"alcalinity_of_ash":21.0,"magnesium":96.0,"total_phenols":1.54,"flavanoids":0.5,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.53,"proanthocyanins":0.75,"color_intensity":4.6,"hue":0.77,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":2.31,"proline":600.0}}]}
< {"docs":[{"doc":{"_index":"_index","_type":"_doc","_id":"_id","_source":{"alcohol":14.1,"alcalinity_of_ash":18.0,"proanthocyanins":2.38,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":3.17,"total_phenols":2.95,"magnesium":105.0,"flavanoids":3.32,"proline":1510.0,"malic_acid":2.16,"ash":2.3,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.22,"hue":1.25,"color_intensity":5.75,"ml":{"inference":{"predicted_value":"0","model_id":"wine-classifier"}}},"_ingest":{"timestamp":"2020-07-08T15:35:49.98965Z"}}},{"doc":{"_index":"_index","_type":"_doc","_id":"_id","_source":{"alcohol":12.0,"alcalinity_of_ash":19.0,"proanthocyanins":1.43,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":3.12,"total_phenols":2.42,"magnesium":86.0,"flavanoids":2.26,"proline":278.0,"malic_acid":0.92,"ash":2.0,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.3,"hue":1.38,"color_intensity":2.5,"ml":{"inference":{"predicted_value":"1","model_id":"wine-classifier"}}},"_ingest":{"timestamp":"2020-07-08T15:35:49.98966Z"}}},{"doc":{"_index":"_index","_type":"_doc","_id":"_id","_source":{"alcohol":12.93,"alcalinity_of_ash":21.0,"proanthocyanins":0.75,"od280/od315_of_diluted_wines":2.31,"total_phenols":1.54,"magnesium":96.0,"flavanoids":0.5,"proline":600.0,"malic_acid":2.81,"ash":2.7,"nonflavanoid_phenols":0.53,"hue":0.77,"color_intensity":4.6,"ml":{"inference":{"predicted_value":"2","model_id":"wine-classifier"}}},"_ingest":{"timestamp":"2020-07-08T15:35:49.989672Z"}}}]}
[0 1 2]
[0 1 2]
  "docs": [
      "_source": {
        "alcalinity_of_ash": 18.0,
        "alcohol": 14.1,
        "ash": 2.3,
        "color_intensity": 5.75,
        "flavanoids": 3.32,
        "hue": 1.25,
        "magnesium": 105.0,
        "malic_acid": 2.16,
        "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.22,
        "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 3.17,
        "proanthocyanins": 2.38,
        "proline": 1510.0,
        "total_phenols": 2.95
      "_source": {
        "alcalinity_of_ash": 19.0,
        "alcohol": 12.0,
        "ash": 2.0,
        "color_intensity": 2.5,
        "flavanoids": 2.26,
        "hue": 1.38,
        "magnesium": 86.0,
        "malic_acid": 0.92,
        "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.3,
        "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 3.12,
        "proanthocyanins": 1.43,
        "proline": 278.0,
        "total_phenols": 2.42
      "_source": {
        "alcalinity_of_ash": 21.0,
        "alcohol": 12.93,
        "ash": 2.7,
        "color_intensity": 4.6,
        "flavanoids": 0.5,
        "hue": 0.77,
        "magnesium": 96.0,
        "malic_acid": 2.81,
        "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.53,
        "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 2.31,
        "proanthocyanins": 0.75,
        "proline": 600.0,
        "total_phenols": 1.54
  "pipeline": {
    "processors": [
        "inference": {
          "field_map": {},
          "inference_config": {
            "classification": {}
          "model_id": "wine-classifier"
  "docs": [
      "doc": {
        "_id": "_id",
        "_index": "_index",
        "_ingest": {
          "timestamp": "2020-07-08T15:35:49.98965Z"
        "_source": {
          "alcalinity_of_ash": 18.0,
          "alcohol": 14.1,
          "ash": 2.3,
          "color_intensity": 5.75,
          "flavanoids": 3.32,
          "hue": 1.25,
          "magnesium": 105.0,
          "malic_acid": 2.16,
          "ml": {
            "inference": {
              "model_id": "wine-classifier",
              "predicted_value": "0"
          "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.22,
          "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 3.17,
          "proanthocyanins": 2.38,
          "proline": 1510.0,
          "total_phenols": 2.95
        "_type": "_doc"
      "doc": {
        "_id": "_id",
        "_index": "_index",
        "_ingest": {
          "timestamp": "2020-07-08T15:35:49.98966Z"
        "_source": {
          "alcalinity_of_ash": 19.0,
          "alcohol": 12.0,
          "ash": 2.0,
          "color_intensity": 2.5,
          "flavanoids": 2.26,
          "hue": 1.38,
          "magnesium": 86.0,
          "malic_acid": 0.92,
          "ml": {
            "inference": {
              "model_id": "wine-classifier",
              "predicted_value": "1"
          "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.3,
          "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 3.12,
          "proanthocyanins": 1.43,
          "proline": 278.0,
          "total_phenols": 2.42
        "_type": "_doc"
      "doc": {
        "_id": "_id",
        "_index": "_index",
        "_ingest": {
          "timestamp": "2020-07-08T15:35:49.989672Z"
        "_source": {
          "alcalinity_of_ash": 21.0,
          "alcohol": 12.93,
          "ash": 2.7,
          "color_intensity": 4.6,
          "flavanoids": 0.5,
          "hue": 0.77,
          "magnesium": 96.0,
          "malic_acid": 2.81,
          "ml": {
            "inference": {
              "model_id": "wine-classifier",
              "predicted_value": "2"
          "nonflavanoid_phenols": 0.53,
          "od280/od315_of_diluted_wines": 2.31,
          "proanthocyanins": 0.75,
          "proline": 600.0,
          "total_phenols": 1.54
        "_type": "_doc"
print(df[df["zipcode"] > df["score"]].es_info())
es_index_pattern: nyc-restaurants
 es_index_field: _id
 is_source_field: False
                               es_field_name  is_source   es_dtype es_date_format pd_dtype  is_searchable  is_aggregatable  is_scripted aggregatable_es_field_name
camis                                  camis       True       long           None    int64           True             True        False                      camis
dba                                      dba       True       text           None   object           True            False        False                       None
boro                                    boro       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                       boro
building                            building       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                   building
street                                street       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                     street
zipcode                              zipcode       True      short           None    int64           True             True        False                    zipcode
phone                                  phone       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                      phone
cuisine_description      cuisine_description       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False        cuisine_description
inspection_date              inspection_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False            inspection_date
action                                action       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                     action
violation_code                violation_code       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False             violation_code
violation_description  violation_description       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False      violation_description
critical_flag                  critical_flag       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False              critical_flag
score                                  score       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                      score
grade                                  grade       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                      grade
grade_date                        grade_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                 grade_date
record_date                      record_date       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                record_date
inspection_type              inspection_type       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False            inspection_type
community_board              community_board       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False            community_board
council_district            council_district       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False           council_district
census_tract                    census_tract       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False               census_tract
bin                                      bin       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                        bin
bbl                                      bbl       True     double           None  float64           True             True        False                        bbl
nta                                      nta       True    keyword           None   object           True             True        False                        nta
location                            location       True  geo_point           None   object           True             True        False                   location
 tasks: [('boolean_filter': ('boolean_filter': {'script': {'script': {'source': "doc['zipcode'].value > doc['score'].value", 'lang': 'painless'}}}))]
 size: None
 sort_params: None
 _source: ['camis', 'dba', 'boro', 'building', 'street', 'zipcode', 'phone', 'cuisine_description', 'inspection_date', 'action', 'violation_code', 'violation_description', 'critical_flag', 'score', 'grade', 'grade_date', 'record_date', 'inspection_type', 'community_board', 'council_district', 'census_tract', 'bin', 'bbl', 'nta', 'location']
 body: {'query': {'script': {'script': {'source': "doc['zipcode'].value > doc['score'].value", 'lang': 'painless'}}}}
 post_processing: []

[ ]: